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UPDATE to illustrate the lethal danger of the politics of demonizing:

In a post on Aug. 20, Micah Beckwith, the IN candidate for Lt. Governor I had mentioned in the essay, posted a photo with assault weapons he would need to fight tyranny.

When someone commented "Interesting stance for a man of God and pastor. Ever hear of the Sermon on the Mount?," Beckwith, who is a pastor without formal training, replied:

"'Blessed are the peaceMAKERS, for they will be called children of God.' Let me ask you, how do you MAKE peace in a world full of evil? You go to war with that evil. Ex. How did we MAKE peace with the Nazis in WWII? We killed them .... And rightfully so. You can't pet a demon. You either kill it or it kills you and those you love."

Prepare for the lethal consequences of Beckwith's politics of demonizing.

Beckwith has apparently taken his comment on killing people he considers demons down.

But a conservative radio host who "loves" Beckwith has shared screenshots of it here (available as of this writing):


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