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Apparently, in response to my Open Letter to him (published two days ago here), Candidate for Lt. Governor Micah Beckwith finally read the Indiana Constitution to find out about the limits his theocratic vision would face. Then he posted references to the IN Constitution on his FB page that guarantee religious liberty and (although he would never call it that) the separation of church and state as a kind of fig leaf to which he can now point to how open-minded he is.

Of course, there is no change of heart, no sudden open-mindedness. Beckwith uses the term "religious liberty" as shorthand for "As a Christian, I can talk about my theocratic vision as much as I want" on my political FB page and in public. He is hypocritical about the fact that he plans to impose his religion on the people of the state if he is a government official. He has already made it clear that as Senate President, he intends to shape and influence the conversation with his [Christian] 'opinions' (which goes beyond that role). In fact, on Sept. 21, he will talk about "Biblical Citizenship" and explain the "Myths behind the separation of church and state." See the announcement on his FB page: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1069142348548301

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